How to adapt the attic?

Landscaping the attic is a good way to increase the living space in the house. If such a possibility has already been taken into account during its construction, this task should not be too difficult. The situation is slightly different in the case of older buildings, where much more renovation work will be required to enjoy an attic apartment. Where to start?

Do I need a building permit?
Although it may seem that we can carry out all the modernization work in an existing house without the approval of officials, this is not the case. Each major renovation of the attic, involving a change in the appearance of the building, the roof structure, the insertion of windows or the installation of the installation, requires a construction permit. Therefore, it will be necessary to develop an architectural project, which is an important part of all documentation for officials.

If we thought about the arrangement of the attic at the construction stage, and work was carried out to allow living in the attic, then the headman should be informed only about the change in the purpose of the room. This is due to an increase in the property tax.

What modernization works should be carried out in the attic?
The amount of work in the attic depends on the technical condition of the building and our expectations regarding the future arrangement. The renovation will be completely different if we want to arrange an additional bedroom in the attic, and otherwise if we plan to create a separate apartment there. However, first you should provide free access to the attic, i.e. to the stairs.

In order for the attic to be arranged, its height should be from 2 to 2.5 m. It is also necessary to check whether the roof structure is strong enough. The attic should also be insulated and fenced. Drywall is usually used for this purpose. The room will need to be equipped with windows, most often dormers, which will provide it with good lighting.

Subsequent repairs take into account the location of the new floor and light partitions. At the same time, the attic can be connected to electrical, plumbing and heating installations. It is also very important to ensure proper ventilation . In this case, the supply and exhaust system is best suited, since gravity ventilation may not work in the case of an attic. At the end, finishing works related to painting the walls, laying panels or tiles are carried out. It remains to arrange everything at your discretion. Encontre jogos de demonstração emocionantes no Todos os Slots Online , com mais de 20.000 resenhas para ajudá-lo a escolher os jogos mais divertidos, além de você poder selecionar os melhores sites e bônus para novos jogadores.

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