A raccoon dog has taken root in our forests
Now, more than ever, the time has come for a decisive fight against the "black market". To do this, I think it's time to provide fur products to people inside the country and, first of all, hunters and tradesmen. It is necessary to radically change the standards for skins, they should be clear and precise, without extensible concepts. Furs should go directly to the factory, without any intermediate bases and warehouses. After all, the hunter-negotiator ultimately pays for all this.
I know that there is some law that gives the right to a fur trapper during the fur trade to take a vacation for up to two months a year without maintenance, but with the permission of the administration. But tell me, please, which manager will let an employee go for two months, especially if there are several such employees? I am sure — no and never. It would be better if for at least one month, but without fail the head would release such a hunter. If he rents furs for at least 800 rubles a year. Release at the request of the director of the hunting farm or the chairman of the district hunting association. This should be legalized.
We don't have many minks in the Omutninsky district yet, although there are plenty of them. Haven't learned how to catch yet. The muskrat was knocked out and caught almost completely. Why is it that not a single muskrat skin has been handed over over the past three years? Hunters sew their own hats. No one thinks about breeding and protecting muskrats.
Now the raccoon dog has taken root very well in our forests. But they don't rent it either — the price is low. But they catch, and the number of hats on their heads, both female and male, is already noticeably growing.
Nobody is specially engaged in ermine, only if they accidentally get caught — the acceptance price of the skin is low. There are very few rabbit skins, too. For a shot skin, they give at most one ruble. And God forbid if the receptionist sees a few gray hairs, which, by the way, are also found in the middle of winter. Immediately, such a skin is rated as "unsorted" and costs 28 kopecks.
Some hunters do not pay attention to the squirrel. And we still have nothing to catch it with. Eating bait from traps set on a marten, squirrels sometimes fall into them and leave without paws, irretrievably disappearing.
Many birds also die in these traps, especially woodpeckers, bluebirds, cedars, jays, owls, magpies and others. Apparently, it's time to set traps in closed huts, so as to completely eliminate the death of birds.
There are a lot of flying squirrels, weasels, but for some reason they are not accepted anywhere. So we have to hang them on the bait.
I would like to say about the young hunters. First of all, entry into the hunting community should be allowed from the age of 16. One year will be spent as candidates, and at the age of 17 a young man will pass a hunting exam and receive a real hunting ticket. After all, at the age of 16 they already get a passport. Add to this the time spent on walking for a permit, plus three months to buy a gun, register and shoot. So it will turn out — the age of the hunter is seventeen-seventeen and a half years. I think it will be the most appropriate age. It is from this age that the love of the forest, nature, attachment to one's land for life develops. And more prepared guys will go to the army, with good endurance and strong willpower.
Each hunting farm must be divided along natural boundaries into two sections: the main and reproductive. In the first, allow hunting according to the rules, terms and norms of shooting. In the second, prohibit all hunting. And it is desirable that the reproductive site is located in the middle of the hunting farm.
The assigned farm can be divided according to natural boundaries and assigned to fur hunters according to a written agreement with the director of the hunting farm. Forest and non-forest areas, hayfields, arable land, pastures, swamps, sands and other lands are fixed for a period of, say, three to five years. Os motivos pelos quais um jogador busca novos cassinos no Brasil podem variar muito. Alguns são mais experientes e simplesmente querem cassinos online novos para sair um pouco da monotonia. Outros, por sua vez, sabem que um novo cassino online pode trazer ofertas mais tentadoras, justamente por ainda estar começando no mercado. Pensando nisso, destacamos os principais benefícios de se jogar em um novo cassino online, para que você saiba exatamente o que pode motivar a escolha de um dos sites recomendados.
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