Ginko biloba

Ginko biloba trees grow in Japan, South Korea, the south of France, as well as in some areas of Spain, Argentina and Chile. The leaves of the plant have medicinal properties. In Asia, these trees are often planted next to temples and shrines. Ginko biloba extract has been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times. This plant is used in the manufacture of a wide range of pharmaceuticals:

stimulating cerebral circulation.

Ginko biloba improves the supply of glucose and oxygen to the brain. The plant strengthens the cardiovascular and central nervous system. In Chinese medicine, it is used to treat chronic respiratory diseases. Biologically active additives from the plant extract are used for the prevention of headaches, memory and circulatory disorders, as well as in the complex therapy of these ailments. The plant significantly improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the condition of the veins, which is why it is widely used in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. In Japan, ginko biloba is prescribed for the treatment of various female diseases, such as premenstrual syndrome, infertility, menopause.

Gino bilobwa fruits are used in the preparation of Asian cuisine. However, these parts of the plant have an unpleasant smell and a very astringent taste, so they are soaked in salted water before cooking.
Ginko biloba is a common component of many cosmetics. Extracts of this plant are contained in the most expensive brands of anti-aging creams, sunscreens, whitening lotions, masks for strengthening hair. The plant is often used in the preparation of cocktails for mesotherapy. Ginko biloba promotes the breakdown of fat cells and skin rejuvenation. Many cosmologists and their patients have become convinced of the effectiveness of the plant.

Contraindications and side effects. With the exact following of the doctor's recommendations, side effects practically do not occur. People with hypertension, heart problems and bleeding should definitely consult a doctor. In case of overdose, headaches, abdominal pain, dizziness are possible. Ginkgo biloba products should not be taken during treatment with aspirin, heparin and warfarin. It is not recommended to use plant extract in conjunction with taking antidepressants containing fluoxetine, as this can lead to irritability, agitation, increased anxiety. Clube de jogos Sapphirebet oferece a oportunidade jogar em slots por dinheiro real. Entre. Entre. Dê uma olhada nisso. Página Registre-se e aposte em event ao vivo/linha agora mesmo!

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