Passing Gears of War: Judgment - Seahorse Hills: Guest Bungalows
You will find a Bushel and a declassified mission symbol on the boxes in front of you. When you accept it, the estate will be additionally protected by sentry weapons and a laser fence. Before jumping on the concrete benches to the left of the symbol, destroy the sentry guns on the left (it is better to throw a grenade there) and on the right. Then destroy the laser fence in front of you.
After jumping over the benches, get ready to throw a grenade to close the hole that will open under the statue right in front of you. Destroy the laser fence blocking the road to the building on the left, and from a safe distance destroy the two sentry guns located inside. Now you can go there.
Don't destroy any more laser fences (they can block the way for enemies) and get ready to attack (among others - Bloody Mountains and opponents with spinning bows). Keep an eye on the stairs in the center of this building, because enemies may try to get to you from this place as well. You can try to secure it quickly using Tripwire Crossbow, which can be found inside the building. The cannon you found at the beginning of this stage, or the grenade launcher, can be very useful for repelling enemy waves.
The next enemy attack with blades and dynamometer bows will be supported by a mortar, so it's better to stay inside the building and get rid of enemies from there. To kill the mortar operator, you need to run to the other side of the square and climb up the stairs on the left. Your goal is at the top of it. Quickly pick up the mortar, place yourself on the railing and get ready for the next attack. Shoot at a distance of about 80-90 meters to hit the enemies. The last moving target is the River. He moves at a distance of 50 meters (if he is standing next to the stairs) to 90 meters (between cars).
Keep an eye on your left side, where the main enemy forces will come from (among other things, Molers). If you have placed the sentry correctly, he must kill the fiery enemies attacking you. The first mortar is located above the central part of the balcony with One-shot opponents (it shoots through a hole in the roof). Once you destroy it, another large group of enemies will appear, this time on the left side of the estate. The second mortar is located on the balcony on the left side of the building.
After clearing the area, inspect the entrance to the garage. It is located right from where you can finish this stage. The COG tag is on the left, between the tires and the bookshelf.
After destroying the enemy, go down the stairs and turn into the left passage (under the balcony where you used the mortar). There is a COG label on the chest of drawers on the right. Go outside, collect ammunition (be sure to take a grenade launcher, if any) and proceed to the next stage, which is a short walk from the subway. O jogo Aviator oferece a você apostas de 0.1$ a 100$ e, quando você combina isso com coeficientes possíveis, pode ter uma ideia dos valores máximos de ganho . Como os coeficientes variam de 1.00 a 1000000.00, o único limite para o seu pagamento máximo é o limite definido pelo cassino
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